M – F | 8:00AM – 6:00PM

Saturday | Appointment Only

Everyone in Spring, TX agrees on one thing about Easter: We love baskets full of sugary treats like chocolate bunnies, marshmallow Peeps and jelly beans. And another April treat is all the fresh fruits in season – a natural sugar bonanza. But we’ve always heard that sugar is bad for teeth. So do we have to skip Easter candy and fresh fruits just to protect our teeth? Is there a strategy, or some secret weapon, to reduce the harmful effects of sugar on teeth? Absolutely! The SpringLove Dentistry team in Spring, TX has some tips and tricks.

Bacteria Eat Sugar and Make Acid
Sugar alone won’t harm teeth. The tooth-damaging culprits are acids. When we eat or drink sugary and starchy things (that turn into sugar), we supply sugar to the already-present mouth bacteria that make acid. We can get acids from citrus fruits and drinks, too. These acids start dissolving the tooth enamel, usually within the first 20 minutes after eating.

Fortunately, our saliva comes to wash away the acids and – amazingly – to actually rebuild the tooth enamel using minerals in the saliva itself. So there is an ongoing battle between the bad acids and the hero saliva. But if the attacking acids from sugary foods come often, the saliva cannot keep up. When the bacteria and acids win, cavities start to form and gum disease can begin. If you skip your regular checkups and professional teeth cleanings, your dental future may lead to cavities and gum disease, requiring fillingsroot canalsextractions, and crowns. At SpringLove Dentistry, we can help adults and children with all of these, but preventing dental problems is the best way to go!

Your Spring, TX Dentists Suggest You Can Empower the Hero Saliva
You can enjoy Easter treats, starchy foods and fresh fruits, and reduce their harmful effects on our teeth, if you follow this easy plan suggested by our Spring, TX dentists to give your saliva a fighting chance against the bacteria and acids:

Limit the amount of sugary and acidy foods and drinks each day.
Thoroughly floss once and brush at least twice each day.
Eat fiber-rich fruits and vegetables regularly, and include cheese, yogurt and dairy products, too.

Here is a secret fact: Research shows the acids weaken your enamel in the first few minutes after they form in your mouth, so it is best to immediately rinse your mouth and then wait an hour before brushing.

And here are three secret weapons against the acids:

Rinse your mouth with a mixture of baking soda and water (without actually brushing) after mid-day sweets and citrus.
Eat cheese, which slows the acid, helps generate more saliva, and provides enamel-building minerals like calcium and phosphate.
Chew sugarless gum, which can help sweep food particles from the mouth and stimulate more saliva flow.

Enjoy April treats in Spring, TX, including fruits and sweets, knowing that taking a few precautions can help your teeth and gums overcome those challenges!

Are you one of the 114 million Americans with no dental benefits? Do you avoid going to the dentist unless you need emergency treatment because of cost? There’s no need to live with dental pain or damaged teeth. If you don’t have dental insurance, we can save you substantial dollars on dental services in the Spring, TX area with the SpringLove Dental Savers Plan.
Without regular dental care, more than your dental health may be at risk< Preventive dental care offers you the best chance of avoiding painful dental problems and more expensive restorative treatments such root canalscrownsimplantsteeth extractions and denturesOral cancer can be detected at the earliest stage. But did you know untreated oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease, may also affect your general health? The National Association of Dental Plans reports that people without dental coverage who skip going to the dentist may be more likely to develop serious health issues: heart disease — 67% more likely osteoporosis — 50% more likely diabetes — 29% more likely Dr. Wu and Dr. Kim strive to provide outstanding dental care in Spring, TX at an affordable cost. If you are currently without dental coverage, we offer an in-house discount plan to ensure you and your family can experience the best dental health possible: the SpringLove Dental Savers Plan.

Save money with discounts on Spring, TX dentist visits
The SpringLove Dental Savers Plan offers you a 20-50% discount on dental services. Participants enjoy numerous benefits, including:

Two free maintenance cleanings, comprehensive exams and x-rays per year – a $520 savings!
No waiting period
No pre-authorization
No annual maximum
No deductibles
No claims to submit

No dental insurance? Don’t let your oral health suffer. Call SpringLove Dentistry today at (281) 288-1500 to learn about the SpringLove Dental Savers Plan. Our Spring, TX dentists will make sure you get the dental care you need to enjoy a healthy, happy smile for life.

Truth be told, most people don’t like to brush and floss their teeth. But you likely know that daily oral hygiene habits are necessary to avoid bad breath, cavities, gum disease and tooth loss, so like most people, you probably brush at least once a day — and hopefully floss, too. Actually, at SpringLove Dentistry in Spring, TX, we recommend brushing twice and flossing once a day so you’ll have the best chance of avoiding dental health problems.

Just out of curiosity, let’s consider what happens when you don’t brush your teeth.

Miss brushing just one day, and your teeth will feel slimy and tacky with plaque growing on your teeth and gums. You’ll still be tasting that garlic from last night’s dinner, and people will back off when you talk to them to avoid your smelly breath.

Miss brushing just one week, and your teeth look dingy from all the bacteria, food and plaque that’s building up on them. Foods taste weird and your breath is nearly intolerable to others. Forget kissing your sweetheart, interviewing for a job or making an in-person sales call.

Miss brushing a few weeks, and you’ve set the stage for gum disease and tooth decay. Plaque and bacteria may have gotten under the gum line, causing inflammation and possible infection. Your tooth enamel may have begun eroding, leading to cavities. You’re probably used to the constant foul taste in your mouth and comments about your bad breath.

By the way, mouth bacteria may cause other serious health conditions Bacteria left to grow under the gum line can also affect your body systems. Studies have shown a link between gum disease and heart disease, pneumonia, diabetes, and osteoporosis.

Imagine not brushing your teeth for 20 years

A British man never brushed his teeth during childhood. When he was 21, he realized his chosen career necessitated having better teeth. He needed extensive dental work, including 11 teeth pulled and replaced with implants. If you want to see what not taking care of your teeth could look like, check out his photo here.

Visit your Spring, TX dentist today

Give your mouth, teeth and gums the best chance to stay healthy. Brush twice daily, floss daily, and make an appointment with SpringLove Dentistry today so you can enjoy a lifetime of white teeth, fresh breath, and happy smiles.

What do Tom Cruise, Celine Dion and Catherine Zeta Jones have in common? A perfect smile! But they weren’t born that way, nor were many other big name celebrities. They achieved their camera-ready smiles with the help of cosmetic dentistry. When performed by expert cosmetic dentists, the dental work looks totally natural. From teeth whitening to straightening to replacement, celebrities enjoy beautiful smiles. And so can you, with the help of the Spring, TX cosmetic dentists at SpringLove Dentistry.

Superstar smiles were made, not born

Many dental issues can cause less than perfect smiles. Which treatments do some of today’s most famous celebrities need to give them the superstar smiles you see on screen and online? You might be surprised to know:

Nicholas Cage required porcelain veneers to correct his crooked, discolored teeth, and the resulting smile makes him look years younger.

Celine Dion needed dental crowns and teeth whitening to perfect her on-stage smile.

Tom Cruise had crooked, overlapping and chipped teeth as a teen. A combination of veneers, braces and teeth whitening gave him that male model smile.

Jennifer Garner uses teeth whitening and veneers to maintain her attractive, radiant appearance.

Zack Efron eliminated a large gap between his two front teeth with veneers, straightened crooked teeth with invisible braces and perfected his engaging smile with teeth whitening.

Catherine Zeta Jones wore braces as a child, and later needed veneers to remove gaps and adjust the uneven size of her teeth. Regular teeth whitening helps Catherine retain her youthful, beautiful smile.

Cosmetic dentistry options to make you look like a star

You don’t have to live with a smile you don’t love. At SpringLove Dentistry, cosmetic dental treatments can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted:

Porcelain veneers can change the shape, size, shade or symmetry of your front teeth and completely transform your smile.
Invisalign allows you to straighten your teeth nearly invisibly, without the metal-mouth appearance and discomfort of traditional braces.
Porcelain crowns create new tooth structure and strengthen your smile when a tooth is too worn or damaged to use veneers.
Dental implants can restore entire teeth in the most secure and health-conscious way possible.
Teeth whitening is the most requested cosmetic dental procedure in America. Yellowed or stained teeth from coffee and tea, medications, smoking or just normal aging can be made white and bright again.

Smile makeovers and cosmetic dentistry at SpringLove Dentistry

We can correct a variety of problems with the many cosmetic dentistry options now available. Call SpringLove Dentistry in Spring, TX today and experience your own superstar smile!

On this subject, there is no longer a debate: “People with diabetes, especially uncontrolled diabetes, have more gum disease than those without diabetes,” according to the American Dental Association. “Now, scientists are finding that gum disease may raise blood sugar levels in people with and without diabetes. … the good news is that in people with type 2 diabetes, treatment of severe disease (for instance, deep cleaning) can lead to a drop in blood sugar levels.” For residents of Spring, TX, SpringLove Dentistry can help you maintain a healthy mouth and alert you to the dental signs of diabetes and periodontal disease.

Diabetes and periodontal disease – a dangerous partnership

Research suggests an interactive relationship between periodontal disease and diabetes. An article published in the January 2012 issue of Diabetologia reported findings by a group of medical experts in periodontology and diabetes: “Epidemiological data confirm that diabetes is a major risk factor for periodontitis; susceptibility to periodontitis is increased by approximately threefold in people with diabetes. There is a clear relationship between degree of hyperglycaemia and severity of periodontitis.”

The causes Serious gum disease has been found to negatively affect blood glucose control, which can contribute to the advancement of diabetes. If your blood glucose levels are poorly controlled, you are more likely to develop periodontal disease and lose more teeth than non-diabetics. People with diabetes are found to be more susceptible to bacterial infections and have a reduced ability to fight the bacteria, which increases the risk of bacteria infecting the gums, leading to periodontal disease.

The prevention

You must control your blood glucose level.
Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily.
Get regular check-ups at SpringLove Dentistry so we can watch for early signs of gum disease and stop its growth.

Visit your Spring, TX dentist today

Make an appointment with SpringLove Dentistry today so you can enjoy a healthy life and happy smiles.

To everyone in Spring, TX from the SpringLove Dentistry doctors and staff, we wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

Nobody, especially a child, enjoys having a cavity drilled and filled! Dentists now offer an alternative treatment. Silver Diamine Fluoride is an antimicrobial liquid that can stop tooth decay in its tracks!

How Does Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) Work?
We apply SDF to active tooth decay to halt the further progression of the condition. The silver component of the treatment acts as an antimicrobial agent, killing bacteria and preventing the formation of new biofilm. The fluoride component works to stop demineralization and strengthens the tooth enamel.

What Are the Benefits of Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatments? SDF offers a conservative approach to treating decayed teeth. Applying SDF quickly without drilling, noise or injections provides a faster and cheaper alternative to dental fillings. Only a drop of SDF can treat up to five teeth, making the cost per tooth very inexpensive. Children treated with SDF experience less anxiety and will not require sedation.
What Is the Application Procedure? Applying SDF is a noninvasive, straightforward procedure. We will clean and isolate the decayed tooth and keep it dry. We will dip a micro brush in SDF and place it on the tooth for about two minutes, and then we will clean off any excess SDF. You will need to make sure you or your child refrain from eating or drinking anything for at least one hour. A second treatment applied 18 months after the initial one has been shown to stop the formation of cavities significantly. The only side effect reported is usually reversible staining where the SDF is applied.

Silver Diamine Fluoride Treatment at SpringLove Dentistry
Schedule your appointment with SpringLove Dentistry in Spring, TX today to learn more about our silver diamine fluoride treatments along with the many services we offer. We are committed to helping you, and your family members enjoy a healthy life filled with happy smiles!

Have you been putting off needed orthodontic treatments because you’re anxious about your appearance with braces? Invisalign aligners offer the best alternative to metal braces for adults and teens. These clear aligners are the virtually invisible way to achieve the straight smile you desire without anyone noticing!

Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces Both Invisalign and traditional braces offer orthodontic options for straightening and aligning your teeth while improving your oral health and enhancing your smile. Braces usually come with brackets cemented to your teeth, connected by a wire, which we periodically tighten to shift your teeth and jaw gradually. Today’s brackets are smaller and less noticeable than in the past. Invisalign, on the other hand, is virtually invisible. Clear aligner trays are worn over your teeth to shift them into place gently. We use X-rays, images, and impressions to create a 3D model of your teeth, which we use to configure your aligner trays.

The Invisalign Advantage
Your Invisalign aligners will transform your life without impacting it. You can remove them, enabling you to eat anything you like and enjoy your favorite activities. It’s easy to clean your teeth and pop your aligner back in.

Invisalign clear aligners have been shown to reduce the time it takes for your orthodontic treatment. They are also effective in correcting complex cases. The secret lies in the proprietary SmartForce and SmartTrack material, which enable us to shift your teeth with precision. With Invisalign, you’ll achieve a perfect smile without anyone knowing!

What Conditions Can Invisalign Correct? Invisalign offers a great alternative to correcting a broad range of mild to complex orthodontic needs. Whether you have gapped or crooked teeth, an overbite, underbite, crossbite, open bite, or crowded teeth, Invisalign offers the discreet solution for you!
Are You Ready for a Straight Smile? Contact us at SpringLove Dentistry in Spring, TX today to learn more about Invisalign clear aligners and the many services we offer. We are all about caring for your oral health and delivering the smile of your dreams! Call today!

Your teeth are meant to last your lifetime. There may be times, though, when extracting a tooth is the best option for your oral health. We strive to save a tooth and will exhaust any option before we resort to extraction. Our goal is to keep your mouth healthy for years to come!

Extraction Your Best Option? Wisdom teeth come in last, which means that in many cases there is not enough space left in the jaw for your new set of molars. At times they come out at the wrong angle, causing damage to the neighboring teeth, or are impacted, meaning they are trapped in your jawbone or gums. Being so far in the back of your mouth, you may find it hard to clean your wisdom teeth properly, often resulting in cavities or gum disease. We usually opt to remove wisdom teeth when they begin to cause problems. Some common reasons for tooth extractions are advanced periodontal disease, severe tooth decay, teeth broken and damaged beyond repair, and poorly positioned teeth. You may have a tooth severely infected to the point that a root canal or any other treatment option cannot save it. We sometimes need to extract teeth for orthodontic treatments. If your mouth is overcrowded, we may need to remove a tooth to make room for any required alignment.

What Should You Expect?
Most extractions are done at our office with little to no discomfort under local anesthesia, IV or oral sedation depending on your needs. After tooth removal, we will monitor you and provide you with post-operative instructions. We will prescribe pain medications for use as needed for the few days following the procedure.

Schedule Your Appointment Today Contact us today at SpringLove Dentistry to learn more about tooth extractions and all the dental services we offer. Our highly experienced and qualified team is dedicated to delivering quality, compassionate care. We are all about helping you maintain a healthy, happy smile for years to come!

Dental emergencies can happen when least expected. If you have a situation where your teeth or gums have suffered damage, you should immediately seek emergency dental care. Knowing what to do can make the difference between losing and saving a tooth!

Is It a Dental Emergency? A dental emergency is a situation requiring immediate care to relieve pain, to save a tooth, or to stop bleeding. The most common types of dental emergencies are cracked, chipped or fractured teeth, knocked out teeth, dislodged or partially knocked out teeth, severe toothache, swelling from an infection or an abscess, an injury to the soft tissue including the gums, cheeks, tongue, and lips, or losing a dental restoration.
What Should You Do? If you suspect you have suffered a dental emergency, contact us immediately. We will provide you with instructions on how to handle your emergency situation until you receive the care you need. If you have a toothache, begin by rinsing your mouth and using dental floss to see if there is any object lodged between your teeth. Apply ice to reduce any swelling. Never place aspirin or any painkiller against your gums or an aching tooth. You will need to protect any broken or chipped teeth from additional damage. Save any pieces of the tooth. Gently rinse your mouth and apply gauze if there is any bleeding. If your entire tooth is knocked out, pick it up carefully by the crown and avoid touching the roots. If possible, try to return it to its socket without forcing it in. If that doesn’t work, store the tooth in milk until you can see us. In the event you bite your tongue or lip, clean the area gently with a cloth then apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. If the bleeding is severe and will not stop, go to a hospital emergency room immediately.
What Should You Do? If you suspect you have suffered a dental emergency, contact us immediately. We will provide you with instructions on how to handle your emergency situation until you receive the care you need. If you have a toothache, begin by rinsing your mouth and using dental floss to see if there is any object lodged between your teeth. Apply ice to reduce any swelling. Never place aspirin or any painkiller against your gums or an aching tooth. You will need to protect any broken or chipped teeth from additional damage. Save any pieces of the tooth. Gently rinse your mouth and apply gauze if there is any bleeding. If your entire tooth is knocked out, pick it up carefully by the crown and avoid touching the roots. If possible, try to return it to its socket without forcing it in. If that doesn’t work, store the tooth in milk until you can see us. In the event you bite your tongue or lip, clean the area gently with a cloth then apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. If the bleeding is severe and will not stop, go to a hospital emergency room immediately.

You probably have some idea of what dental implants are, mostly from their name, but as dentists, we’re often surprised at the amount of people who don’t consider dental implants to be a viable option for replacing their missing teeth.
We’d like to tell you today that dental implants are perfect for just about anyone with gaps in their smile!
Nobody likes having missing teeth. They can make eating certain foods difficult or painful, cause your face to look hollow and even allow your remaining teeth to shift around. Perhaps worst of all, missing teeth can also make you feel embarrassed to smile.
The idea behind dental implants is very simple. Teeth are like icebergs; a significant amount of their mass is below the surface. To replace a tooth entirely both the crown and the roots must be accounted for.

Replacing the root, a titanium anchor is surgically secured into the bone by a dental professional. Over time, through a process called “osseointegration,” the anchor will fuse to the bone and develop an extremely strong bond with it. Provided the bone is and remains healthy, the anchor is virtually guaranteed to stay in place for a lifetime.
Once the osseointegration process is sufficiently complete, which can take several months, the dental professional needs to secure a crown to the anchor. The crown replaces the top part of the tooth; the part of the tooth that is visible and used for chewing. First, they will custom-make a synthetic tooth for you, usually at a separate facility. This tooth is designed specifically to fit your smile in terms of everything from size, shape and type to even color. They will then secure the crown to the anchor with something similar to an everyday screw.
Because the procedure is so straight-forward, it can work for very nearly anyone with missing teeth. In general, if you are healthy enough for a simple extraction, you can easily have a dental implant.
So if you think you will just have to accept life with an unsightly and unhealthy gap in your teeth, think again! Dental implants are simple, work for almost anyone and, on top of everything, are surprisingly affordable! Be sure to ask your dentist about dental implants during your next visit.