What is Sedation Dentistry?
It’s not uncommon for patients to be nervous, anxious or afraid of visiting the dentist. Unfortunately, this fear can cause you to forgo treatment when it’s needed and put off dental care. We offer a range of sedation options to make your time with us more comfortable and relaxed. Our goal is to provide you with a great appointment that doesn’t induce a panic attack or severe anxiety.
Why is Sedation Dentistry needed?
There are several reasons why you may want to consider sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry is ideal for patients of all ages and medical needs. These reasons include:
- You are nervous and anxious over visiting the dentist
- You suffer panic attacks while in the office
- You have a hard time sitting still for appointments
- You’re coming in for more invasive treatment
- Your child shows severe fear when in the dental chair

Who is a good candidate for Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry can be done via a pill that you would take the night before your procedure or through inhalation. Most patients, regardless of age, can benefit from either of these sedation options. We will go over your medical and health history to determine if sedation is right for you. Most patients who want sedation can safely and easily have it provided to them before and during appointments.
What can you expect with Sedation Dentistry?
For oral sedation, you will be given medication that is taken the night before or morning of your appointment. It is important to follow all directions given when receiving this medication. You will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment. Oral sedation does not relieve pain and instead works by relaxing you. We offer inhalation sedation, most commonly referred to as nitrous oxide. This gas is inhaled through a small nose mask placed over the face. The gas relaxes you while the procedure is done. For both sedation options, local anesthetic is often still necessary before any procedure is done.
If you think you might need or want sedation dentistry, call our office today and we will be happy to further assist in answering your questions.